Special Issue. Public policy for open innovation: Frameworks, priorities and mechanisms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

14-12-2017 14:42


Uma das mais prestigiadas publicações científicas na área da economia e da gestão de inovação – a “Technological Forecasting and Social Change” (TFSC, publicada pela Elsevier) aceitou lançar uma edição especial (special issue) dedicada ao papel das políticas públicas no estímulo à Inovação Aberta.

Esta special issue terá como editores especialistas na área da economia da inovação e política de inovação, e pretende estimular a investigação académica a nível mundial em torno do tema "Public policy for open innovation: Frameworks, priorities and mechanisms".

Este processo teve origem no tema da minha tese de Doutoramento em Economia e resultou de mais de um ano de contactos com os editores da TFSC e de um trabalho preparatório realizado por mim e pelos meus colegas, que comigo aceitaram o desafio de serem editores desta special issue. (Sandro Mendonça, ISCTE-IUL, Marcel Bogers, University of Copenhagen e Maria Theresa Norn, Aarhus University e Think Tank DEA).

Durante o ano de 2018 a call será aberta e publicitada na página da TFSC, onde também poderá ser encontrada a informação com os procedimentos necessários para a submissão de papers. Os objetivos desta special issue são descritos no texto abaixo.



Announcement of

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Special Issue on


Public policy for open innovation:

Frameworks, priorities and mechanisms


Special Issue Editors

António Bob Santos

Marcel Bogers

Maria Theresa Norn

Sandro Mendonça



This Call for Papers springs from the assumption that Open Innovation can be enacted, fostered and strengthened by the action of public policies. Broadly speaking, this Special Issue has the main objective of clarifying the rationale and role of public policy in the creation of framework conditions for the adoption of Open Innovation by organisations (private and public), as well as to identify the concrete mechanisms and applied instruments that can contribute to that purpose. As with many policy cycles of hype (see agendas such as “smart growth” or “societal challenges”), it is important to detect intrinsically linked concepts and truly relevant perspectives (over mere label repackaging and rhetorical noise that diluting the original purpose of Open Innovation) and to stimulate the debate and cumulative progress regarding this topic. The Special Issue is first and foremost a call for a creative consolidation of the research on Open Innovation when it intersects with the policy dimension. The agenda-setting intent is to stimulate the debate and progress about this topic.



This special issue calls for contributions that expand existing knowledge and provide guidance on how public policy can contribute to the development and diffusion of Open Innovation by inventors and entrepreneurs, companies and other organisations, incubators and science parks, universities and research laboratories, development banks and international institutions. It invites original works that explore novel innovation policy design (sectoral policy, regulatory measures, property rights, fiscal and financial incentives, incubator design, etc.) and strategic criteria (network failure, crowding-in, lead-market creation, breakthrough innovations, key sectors, etc.) that can boost Open Innovation activities, namely in the direction of societal challenges and looming global wicked problems (social inequality, clean governance, climate change, food security, the right to privacy, etc.). However, and given the potential diversity of approaches, it is worth emphasising that the Special Issue is mostly focusing on industrial policy aims, i.e. Open Innovation-informed policy for the private productive sector.


Subject coverage

We will welcome papers addressing key issues such as:

  • Theoretical and conceptual developments about the relation of Open Innovation and public policies;
  • Empirical evidence about the impact of public instruments and policy on the adoption of Open Innovation by organisations in specific industries (low-tech and traditional sectors, consumer and professional services, resource-dependent activities, etc.) in industrialised as well as catching-up economies;
  • Consideration of future research challenges to democratise innovation in society and improve competitiveness in companies and countries using the Open Innovation approach.


Possible topics could for example relate to (but are by no means limited to) the following of areas of interest:

  • Rationales for supporting open innovation strategies at the micro level;
  • Institutional aspects of public policy for open innovation;
  • Openness-friendly governance of science and technology; 
  • Open innovation for catching-up and development;
  • Mature industry renewal and service economy up-grade;
  • Post-linear innovation and smart industrial policy;
  • Building open national, regional and sectoral systems;
  • Cluster-oriented, smart-city and community-enhancing policy;
  • Venture capital and crowdsourced-based finance;
  • Facilitation of start-up emergence and spin-off survival;
  • Pro-, anti- and post-intellectual property regulatory approaches;
  • Open Data, Big Data and open environments for innovation;
  • Open science as an emergent sectoral innovation system;
  • Etc.



The Special Issue has just been accepted by Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC), and the details of the call (including submission date) will be announced early 2018. More information about the journal can be found at the TFSC website (see https://www.elsevier.com/journals/technological-forecasting-and-social-change/0040-1625/guide-for-authors). The papers will be selected competitively according to their intrinsic quality and fit to the special issue, all resulting papers going through a double blind refereeing process.